$10 per YEAR for Laundry Detergent! DIY Homemade Laundry Soap!


You Won’t Believe it! $10 per YEAR for Laundry Detergent! DIY Homemade Laundry Soap!

You can save a TON of money with this laundry detergent DIY. It’s easy to make homemade laundry soap that costs only $10 per year! You can use this homemade laundry detergent liquid for he washers and it is perfect for people with sensitive skin. We leave out the fragrance for our son who cannot use store bought laundry detergent and it works great. You’ll definitely want to try it!

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Recipe Here: https://www.livingonadime.com/homemade-laundry-detergent-2/

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Barbara Pauley

Could we make up the dry ingredients and dissolve what we use per load in some hot water before adding to the washer? I’d prefer powder because it’s not as heavy. Loved the blast from the past!


13 years ago! It’s crazy how time passes. I use very little soap, about less than a quarter cup for a full load, and spot clean stains.

Patty Peterson

I make 2 powder washing detergents. The one for hot water has borax since that is the one that doesn’t dissolve in cold water. The main recipe is washing soda, baking soda and salt, then borax for the one powder. Works great for us… And my husband works construction and works on our (and friends) vehicles, so maga dirty clothes. I just need a smaller scoop so my teen boys don’t use too much when they do their laundry.

Queen Bobbi

I used a similar recipe for years, and it cleans beautifully. I especially like it for a spot remover. I went back to commercial detergent because I now have a self dispensing machine and the shaking required doesn’t work well for that. I do have the supplies necessary to make a years worth if needed.

Pam T

I love Dining on a Dime Vols. 1 & 2, because they’re so much more than cookbooks. From cooking to clothing detergent, Tawra’s got you covered.

Goat Lover

I have to admit I like fresh clothes and feel my best with a shower and fresh clothes daily. I love doing laundry. I am prepared to go ‘dirty’if need be if things go awfully bad but for now I am enjoying what I have. I consider it a luxury to have fresh sheets and clothes and towels but will change if need be.

Debbie Sypher

I enjoyed your vintage video, I have been making homemade laundry detergent for a year now, and found that my clothes retain their colors so much better than commercial detergents. I have enjoyed all of your tips and recipes in Living on a Dime Vol. 1 & 2, I can see how you all put your heart and soul into creating them and how we all can benefit from them. Because of this, I have saved thousands of dollars on groceries, and cleaning supplies, and am almost debt free, over the past year! Thank you, Tawara, Jill, and Mike for blessing my family with knowledge on living frugally.

Maria Conforti

I have been making my own laundry soap for years (this recipe). I have noticed that with inflation the price of on 1 box of washing powder and/or 1 box of borax is about $5 bucks each now (at least by me here in Wisconsin). So that’s $10 right there (without the soap). I do still stick with it though as I think it is still cheaper then commercial laundry detergent and I don’t have reactions to it due to my sensitive skin. If your making the liquid recipe you can also add your favorite essential oils. 👍


I live in hurricane area, so in season, I tend to wash more in case the power goes out. We do wear our outside clothes more than once if they have no spills, and we hang them up in between use. I do febreeze them and allow to dry before putting back in closet. TFS.

Earth Angel

My ‘average’ family includes 2 teenagers that I’m thankful they run their own laundry but they go wash a lot more than you recommend 😂. They also play travel sports so that’s a factor too. Thanks for showing us the flashback video!



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