10 Dollar Tree DIY Christmas Wreaths That Take 5 Minutes Or Less!


10 Dollar Tree DIY Christmas wreaths that are cheap and easy to make! Make your own Christmas decorations tgis year and do it on a budget. Shop at Dollar Tree for basic craft supplies and make your own Christmas wreath.

Help support Glendale, NY 6-8th grade special education classrooms by donating here


Caroline Marley

Hi Megan..absolutely love your wreaths..you are brilliant at turning ordinary in to something SO stylish and classy!!! Amazing as usual!! Thank you for sharing. Best wishes from Caroline in the UK x stay safe xx best wishes

Shevela Carter

I always love every video but as a special Ed teacher this video touched my heart I am definitely going to donate thanks so much for all you do have an amazing holiday

Jen D

These were great! I can’t pick a fave, I love them all!

My mom was a spec Ed teacher for 40+ years. I have a real respect for all teachers, but it takes a really strong special person to teach special Ed. I can’t donate today but I will by the cutoff! And I’ll be sure to share the link between now & then too ❤️

Migdalia Sanchez

OMG!! I commented earlier but then I got to the donation portion of the video and….that’s my old neighborhood—Glendale, NY 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼it’s a small world and of course I’m going to donate and going to pass it forward and have other friends donate too!! Thanks Megan for posting it. WOW!!!😊🙏🏽

The Latina Next Door

I agree!! The double hoop and the last one are my favorites also! The gift one was also really pretty! 😍🎄

Lisa Sylvia

I was so happy to see a video from you. Every single one of the wreaths that you made came out absolutely gorgeous. I love them all. I will donate for this great cause. WOW, it’s such a shame, I work for the New Bedford Public Schools and every single student has either a chromebook or a laptop. They should definitely get more funding. The wealth needs to be spread.

Vickie Stewart

Just donated $25, felt SO much better than spending it at DT. To be honest, seeing the picture of how happy David looked with those children made me feel so guilty about the boxes of DT supplies I have unused in the attic, and I know he and his students will enjoy the donations that seem to be suddenly pouring in -;

Angel Bear Creations KS

You have the most amazing viewers! I looked at the donation page and it’s fully funded!! Both of my kids (now adults) attended special education classes. I have the utmost respect for all teachers, but especially special education teachers.

BTW … I love your wreath ideas 😊 TFS! ❤❤



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