#МойстильDIY #mydiystyle #sewing #sewingtricks #sewinglifehacks
👉 In this helpful video, we’ll be teaching you two clever secrets only experienced seamstresses know about how to repair worn sleeves. Watch along as we show you how to create a professional-looking finish on any tear in just minutes. Watch the video to find out more.
Watch carefully and repeat after me.❤️
Thanks for watching, you are amazing!
My greetings and kisses! 😘😘😘
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My useful video albums that you should definitely watch:
Clothing repair diy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgx83c-uVSL8FMadkeXli4XPZLo-wfD6h
How to sew sleeves/design ideas https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgx83c-uVSL8qfLjCTONyX4R8uw5uq-1q
How to sew a neckline/design ideas https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgx83c-uVSL9PH9EBSVA4nUqQ3yPS0EPh
Sewing ideas https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgx83c-uVSL9HnM6CcKkQ72bGa53DheYB
Sewing tips and tricks https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgx83c-uVSL-YD1sYpNozY5soIhosd7F6

My social networks:
Telegram: https://t.me/sewing_tips_and_tricks
Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5a4b0f2ff4a0dd4ec58988bd
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@my01_style​
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/my_style_diy_
VK: https://vk.com/club140872845
OK: https://ok.ru/group56014930116608
RUTUBE: https://rutube.ru/channel/23481498/
For those who have just discovered my channel. I’m Oksana.
On this channel I show sewing projects, sewing tricks, sewing hacks, sewing tips for beginners, share videos that can inspire you for DIY ideas, recycling, embroidery, sewing. I try to post at least 2 or 3 new videos a week.
We have a big friendly family on the channel. If you’d like to join us and be part of our family, be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications.
I look forward to your questions, comments and applications for creating new useful videos.😊

Thank you if you share this video with your friends 💖

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Maria Madalena

Obrigado por compartilhar suas experiência com costura
Essa do pingo foi pra mim muito bom
Costurou, mas não fiz curso

Елена Назаренко

Как всегда у вас ловко получается! Спасибо за подсказку!

Любовь Седова

Интересно, практично и экономно. Спасибо вам за это.

Gulnara Z

Недавно по первому способу рукава сыну подправила. Спасибо за второй способ. ❤

Валентина Крандакова

В подобном случае я взяла подходящие по цвету носки, отрезала 5 см от верха носков и пришила вместо манжета. Всё.


Отличная идея в копилочку. А я заменила порванные манжеты на верхнюю часть(резинку) от красивых, но изношенных в ступне носков. Тоже очень красиво,если подобрать под цвет свитера.



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