2 Useful DIY Inventions with Drill Machine


2 Useful DIY Inventions with Drill Machine

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Buster Gonad

Wow, overall concept is very good…except for dangerous way to drill the side plates. Can you not see and understand how unsuitable and unstable it is to hold that plate in place..the drill only has to grab and that plate will spin out of control. When I saw the hole in the face plate I thought, oh good! A dedicated hole to hold a pin where the hole to be drilled in going into the slot a short distance away. The plate lies flat with a lot of surrounding surface under the plate to support it. Have you ever seen it grab. It becomes a minced blade. If your lucky you can switch off the machine and keep the plate flat close to the face plate surface. If your not lucky you’ll lift it up…it spins very wildly over balanced where the drill may break and the plate thrown outwards. It may hit you, someone else near YOU or the holes are drilled as in your clip….is it worth risking your own fingers ! Please promote safety ! Your a foolish schmuck if you don’t. Best case scenario is to centre the hole then clamp it flat !!



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