10 QUICK & EASY SPRING MINI DIY’s for Your Tier Tray | Gnome, Beaded Garland, Dollar Tree Projects


Valentine’s Day is over and I am ready for Spring! Since my tier tray is the first thing you see when you walk in my door, let’s start by decorating it. Today we have TEN Miniature DIY projects for your Spring Tier Tray as well as styling the tray. Birds, flowers, a spring gnome and of course a beaded garland! Follow along in these step by step tutorials with completely detailed instructions to make your own pieces. These projects can be accomplished by the beginner crafter up to the experienced.

Fork Bow Tutorial: https://youtu.be/45sVEYqiktg

Spring Printable (PDF): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dN7UiHNlqDiUmusxVjen66QOtaAHk5fz/view?usp=sharing

Spring Printable (Word Doc): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GvJClIBGhO5sqI1GABSD68YHsI7Cm-qd/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112868537390854523895&rtpof=true&sd=true

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Music: https://www.bensound.com: Hey and from PowerDirector: Gratitude


Lama's Creations DIY

My mom every year, in one of those caged bird feeder things she adds pieces of yarn and ribbons so when the birds are making their nests they have extra pieces too use. Your nest with the pearls reminded me of that.

Vickie Allen

Love them ALL! The little bird house with the media layering is Awesome and those little flowers on the thimbles…..adorable!

Sandra Buckley

Hi Trish and Kay you ladies always have amazing ideas ! All of your projects turned out amazing and very pretty as always Trish !👍 TFS enjoy the rest of your week stay safe and God Bless you and your family !💞❤️💕

Crafting My Best Life with Lisa Marie

Yay for Spring diys! I am in love with your birdhouse! I love everything about it Trish!! 🥰🤗

Jackie Carnes

That Gnome is just absolutely the SWEETEST one I’ve ever seen!!! I LOVE IT!!! I also love the beaded garland & the little signs!! Thank you for sharing y’all’s wonderful talent with us!!! 😍😍

Jane Richey

These are adorable! I love Spring. The bird house is my favorite! I’m so excited, I have all the materials for it.



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