10 times I had to DIY gym equipment


In this throwback video I show how I DIY’d some machines & equipment
1. jerk blocks
2. hamstring curls
3. loading platform for stones and sandbags
4. back extensions
5. more back extensions
6. deadlift band pegs
7. anchor chain drag
8. husafell stone
9. couch squat

Follow me on IG @untamedstrength

Strongman Template: https://www.barbellmedicine.com/shop/training-templates/strongman-template/

FREE Strongman Template:https://www.barbellmedicine.com/free-strongman-template/

Untamed Strength Apparel: https://untamedstrengthapparel.com/

Untamed Strength Gym: http://www.trainuntamed.com/



When gyms were closed, I ended up doing weighted dips but I only had 25lbs in actual weight plates. I got a weighted vest for starters, I wore a backpack filled with hardcover textbooks and hung the weight plates on a belt. However, the master stroke was wrapping my neck with the cord of a surge protector/backup battery. It was a pure anaerobic exercise.

kostas Ts

I discovered you long time ago when i Google DIY atlas stone i never made it but many times you give me a moral boost to get up and lift some weights, keep the good work a fun from Greece

Richard Peterson

One of my favorite things about strongman is coming up with wacky setups to simulate events. I really like the make do anchor chain

Tao of Stefan

0. intro 00:00
1. jerk blocks 00:23
2. hamstring curls 00:43
3. loading platform for stones and sandbags 01:19
4. back extensions 03:42
5. more back extensions 03:57
6. deadlift band pegs 04:27
7. anchor chain drag 04:48
8. husafell stone 05:53
9. couch squat 06:24

Joachim Gollner

The back extension rows are actually really awesome
Best pump I’ve ever had throughout my entire postiriour chain


this is like the most valuable of all training videos because it shows how to start. my only problem would be to store all the stuff due to being in an appartement


I’ve been hooked on your vids ever since I got out. Inspired me to scrape up a small home gym and just got my powerblocks today. Thanks for these vids man.



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